What is the best lining for linen curtains?

You are planning to buy yourself some beautiful linen curtains or you already bought them? Linen is your thing? It will add style to your house and at the same time look perfectly natural, hanging nicely. Now you ask yourself: what is the best lining? Below are some recommendations.

Why add a lining to linen curtains?

Usually, curtains are used for decoration. They can also serve a more practical function such as providing a screen for privacy or adding insulation. Sometimes adding a lining is required.

Note however that lining curtains is not essential. Still, it has its perks. Aesthetically speaking, lined curtains hang more gracefully, the lining adding to their weight.

As far as comfort is concerned, lining protects both you and your curtains from the light. Away from direct sunlight, your curtains will last longer. As for you, you will sleep better if you choose linen curtains in your bedroom. Also, lining can be a good insulator, protecting you from the cold in the winter and from the heat in the summer.

Lining your curtains with linen can also reduce noise. Blackout fabrics provide sound insulation, protecting you from noise pollution and maintaining peace and quiet at home. Let us now look at the various options available to line your linen curtains.

Your choice of lining for linen curtains

You are at a loss when it comes to choosing lining for your curtains? Here is a quick run-through.

Standard lining

Sateen lining is used to weigh down the curtain for better hanging effect. Cotton sateen is commonly used for overdrapes. Plus it is quite economical. The lining can also create colour contrast in the room, giving it a different atmosphere. Most of all it protects your curtains. It is preferred for thin curtains such as linen curtains.

Blackout lining

When you choose blackout curtains, the choice of colour should be made wisely, as it will be seen from outside and on the facade. An interesting option would be to work a colour scheme that would be visible from the street, for example, to create harmony. Overall, it is better to choose a heavy fabric.

If you want to use darkening sateen for your bedroom curtains, you have to know that it will block out 90% of sunlight.  A blackout fabric features heat, sound, and light insulating properties. You can use it in a bedroom to add coziness, comfort and privacy. It will not completely block the light, which can be interesting in a child’s bedroom for example, so that they can still distinguish day from night.

Whatever the type of lining, make sure to secure it properly, slightly set back from the curtain so that it cannot be seen from inside the room. We recommend that you place it directly over the fabric if care instructions are the same for both materials. Otherwise, choose a self-adhesive strip.

Now you know more about which lining to choose for linen curtains. Think about how you will use your curtains and ask yourself if lining is essential depending on where your curtains will be, what type of atmosphere you want to create and whether you will need insulation.